Thursday, June 30, 2011

Facing a Fear...and Feeling like I'm Winning

So, I started this year off feeling really restless. It was like I was in a rut i couldn't get out of no matter what i said or did ya know? Well I got some help from some very dear friends and family. They all talked to me about what I am facing, the reason why I started this blog in the first place and have been keeping account of my exploits(I got to use that word. Makes it sound like more of an adventure.) The basic conclusion? That I am afraid, and the only way to get out of my rut is to face what I am afraid of.

I started out with College and actually trying to get in to the one that I wanted to go to in High School and getting accepted and going through all the proccess that brings with it. That part of the story, as you know if you have been reading my posts, has continued into the Faith Project: relying on Father to  bring the money I need to pay for this new venture. I have also initiated my papers to study in Israel in the Spring. This is one heck of a ride haha.

My new venture, which I started today, is another fear of mine, possibly the oldest fear that I have really. I won't tell you what it is until it has been thoroughly routed or I have faced it and can now perform with joy this act. Anyway, the first lesson that I had today was AMAZING. I think I found a new love, sorry ladies. My goal is to have overcome this thing and be able to perform on my own with proficiency in a month. WOOHOO! How that for a challenge? It might not be for some  but this is definitely one for me. I think it is all the easier done though with my Dad, Joe, by my side. He is the greatest man I have ever met.

Anyway. till next time, blessing on you my brothers and sisters. I love you with a love that overcomes and sees through all that you have done, feel that you are, and touches to your real self, which is beautiful to behold.


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