Thursday, May 30, 2013

Two Great Days

       Hello to all of you who read any portion of the posts that I leave on this blog. Today's post is not one of my usual pieces of work that I write but rather something of my life. This is my first post about myself in a very long time, as it has been quite the journey and has brought me down many trails and challenges. I will not start with these and catch you up to where I am currently, however, I will bring to share the joy that I have felt in these past two days. Joy like I have not experienced in some time, over the breaking of bread and the bonding of old friends again.
       I visited six friends, of which I will not name, in these past days and my time was them was one of complete rest and rejoicing in my own heart. I thank the Lord even now as I write for these people who live their lives as they should, completely true to themselves and each other. Should this not be truth I have yet to discover them so in all the time that I have known them and would consider such a moment as one where I need step in and take great care of them, body and soul.

       The first day, I spent my time in Agoura Hills visiting some friends who currently intern at a great church. They took me with them to visit some other friends in the course of the day after their work was done at the church and we spent time swimming, getting gelato, talking, eating, and enjoying each other's company as we have for the past year of college. I cannot help but miss them even now, though it has only been twenty four hours since I last was with them.

       Parting with them would have been more difficult had I been making my way home, but this not being the case, I looked forward to being with three more of my friends and past roommates. I cannot express, once again, the joy that I felt at seeing these great men and friends after a month of being away from each other. The night was late but we gave little heed, and talked freely for some time. In the morning I spent my time with them and we had a good time talking and watching Firefly together, as a family again. The rest of the day was fairly active after I said goodbye to one of my brothers and we ended up finishing the day making, and assembling while watching Wreck It Ralph, bookcases for their home. This work is something that I enjoy anyway and doing it with them was a bonus to the time. Now that I have made my goodbyes and returned home, with sawdust covering most of me, I can only think of how blessed I am to be a part of this family of friends.

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