Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Her Inside of Me

I don’t know how to explain it really, this thing which builds and grows,  burning inside of me
It's such a complicated thing, twisting me forwards and backwards while flipping my insides upside down
It makes my jump at ever sound and melt at the slightest thought, giving little heed to my own mind
 I don’t know if it's love again or if I'm having a heart attack but its driving my mind to a scary place
A place that I once walked and reveled in, but fear  now after having that world destroyed before
I don’t know that I could bear to stand losing it once again, let alone survive the joy of a new one
Could it be that there is someone else out there for me? Someone who I can sit at night by,
Enjoy the cool breeze with while staring up into the stars as they sparkle in the orbs that are her eyes,
Waiting for the sun to rise as we talk and enjoy the timelessness of being in her company
How I love to be with her and my heart leaps to hear her laugh, that sweet and bubbling thing
And her smile! It lifts my spirits and makes me soar like all new things in the time of Spring
I don’t know why or have any understanding of how I have been brought to this, a desperation for her
That over comes all my logic and rules as a man, breaking the bonds that I put on my own self
Forcing me to make a decision that I realize now I want to make, though I fear it with all that I am
Time will tell what happens and the choice that I make as I walk on the beach next to this beautiful

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